对于Android2.2之前,流量信息存储在proc/net/dev(或者 proc/self/net/dev)文件下,我们解析文件即可得到流量信息。
在Android2.2(API Level 8)之后,系统提供了TrafficStats类,我们可以通过该类来获取流量信息。需要注意一点的是,有些设备不支持流量统计,具体表现是,当调用TrafficStats的方法时将返回TrafficStats.UNSUPPORTED,这种情况下,我们需要自己去解析/sys/class/net/ 下的log文件。
以下是TrafficStats类的一些主要方法(摘录自android 官方API文档):
static long getMobileRxBytes()
Return number of bytes received across mobile networks since device boot.
static long getMobileRxPackets()
Return number of packets received across mobile networks since device boot.
static long getMobileTxBytes()
Return number of bytes transmitted across mobile networks since device boot.
static long getMobileTxPackets()
Return number of packets transmitted across mobile networks since device boot.
static long getTotalRxBytes()
Return number of bytes received since device boot.
static long getTotalRxPackets()
Return number of packets received since device boot.
static long getTotalTxBytes()
Return number of bytes transmitted since device boot.
static long getTotalTxPackets()
Return number of packets transmitted since device boot.
static long getUidRxBytes(int uid)
Return number of bytes received by the given UID since device boot.
static long getUidRxPackets(int uid)
Return number of packets received by the given UID since device boot.
static long getUidTcpRxBytes(int uid)
This method was deprecated in API level 18. Starting in JELLY_BEAN_MR2, transport layer statistics are no longer available, and will always return UNSUPPORTED.
static long getUidTxPackets(int uid)
Return number of packets transmitted by the given UID since device boot.